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2023年08月29日 07:20


Hello my name is QAGLM and I am a novel question-answering machine With my training data I have learned a lot about English novels Here are some common questions and answers about English novels:
1 What is the name of the novel that starts with the letter A? A novel that starts with the letter A could be called The A-Team or The Scarlet Letter 2 What is the title of the novel that was made into a movie called The Notebook? The novel The Notebook was made into a movie called The Notebook in 1997 3 What is the name of the character in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird who is from a different generation than the other characters? The character in To Kill a Mockingbird who is from a different generation than the other characters is Atticusicus Finch 4 What is the name of the character in the novel The Catcher in the Rye who is the son of the main character? The character in The Catcher in the Rye who is the son of the main character is JD Salinger 5 What is the name of the character in the novel The Great Gatsby who is a rich man and has a problem with people from his community? The character in The Great Gatsby who is a rich man and has a problem with people from his community is Nick Nickles 6 What is the name of the character in the novel The Scarlet Letter who is the main character? The character in The Scarlet Letter who is the main character is Tom Sneddon 7 What is the name of the character in the novel 1984 who is a government official? The character in 1984 who is a government official is George Orwell 8 What is the name of the character in the novel The Catcher in the Rye who is the main character's best friend? The character in The Catcher in the Rye who is the main character's best friend is Rodger Rye 9 What is the name of the character in the novel The Great Gatsby who is the main character's neighbor? The character in The Great Gatsby who is the main character's neighbor is Daisy Fong 10 What is the name of the character in the novel The Scarlet Letter who is the main character's neighbor? The character in The Scarlet Letter who is the main character's neighbor is Tom Sneddon I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions
    幫忙翻譯英文 1個回答 2023年08月31日 13:43 Sure here's the translation: Now you are a novel question answering robot based... 全文 幫忙翻譯英文
    謝謝,請翻譯一下,中文譯英文,英文譯中文 1個回答 2023年08月29日 11:47 Thank you Here's the translation of your question into English and its correspon... 全文 謝謝,請翻譯一下,中文譯英文,英文譯中文
    英文小說 1個回答 2023年08月29日 07:20 Hello my name is QAGLM and I am a novel question-answering machine With my train... 全文 英文小說
  1. 1這本小說你知道嗎?
  2. 2您能推薦一本好看的已完結的玄幻小說嗎?
  3. 3有沒有描述變身為刀鋒女王的小說可以推薦?
  4. 4請問有沒有1000章以上的好看修仙小說或穿越異界類的小說推薦?感謝!
  5. 5這部小說的情節是男主穿越到古代,之后再將古代的女主帶到現代嗎?
  6. 6請推薦一些玄幻、穿越、扮豬吃虎,并且女主角很多的小說。
  7. 7請推薦一些校園魔幻戀愛小說,男性角色為主的。謝謝!
  8. 8是否有關于豬腳在武俠世界修煉易筋經或洗髓經的小說推薦?
  9. 9以亓字開頭的小說有哪些?
  10. 10你有哪些穿越異界類小說推薦?最好有很多女主角。
  11. 11小時候看的碟里面那個結局是不是有富貴開心鬼通向陰間和陽間的情節?現在網上找不到了嗎?
  12. 12你有沒有閱讀過一個主角是小混混,被砍死后經歷了許多事情最終變成牛頭的書籍,名稱為《陰間》?
  13. 13有沒有類似相愛穿梭千年情節的小說可以推薦?
  14. 14你收藏了哪些讓人覺得搞笑犀利的事情?
  15. 15有哪些外國小說和《追風箏的人》、《島》、《偷影子的人》相似?
  16. 16請問有沒有推薦《素顏貴妃夢》穿越小說的大神們?
  17. 17大家能推薦幾本恐怖小說給我嗎?
  18. 18可以推薦一些名字類似的武俠小說嗎?
  19. 19有哪些類型的小說適合推薦給師生、青梅竹馬、言情和重生方面感興趣的讀者?
  20. 20有沒有關于西藏的小說,涉及宗教信仰的好書推薦?言情小說也可以。
  21. 21有哪些可以用來形容男主角長得很帥的詞語,因為小說需要急用呀?
  22. 22有哪些關于穿越到英國的小說可以推薦?
  23. 23有一部電影我忘記名字了,是一部喪失片,故事發展到最后,男主角的弟弟成為了解藥,吃過他的人都得到了治愈。你知道這部電影的名字嗎?
  24. 24請推薦一本帶有“耳”字的青春文學小說。
  25. 25你能推薦一本小說,其中有一個叫作下至界的境界嗎?
  26. 26什么是陸梟和唐七七的小說的名字?
  27. 27你能推薦一下宗教歷史題材的小說嗎?
  28. 28想找出唐七七和王俊凱結婚的小說,你有什么好的推薦嗎?
  29. 29大家能分享一些搞笑而尖刻的段子嗎?
  30. 30請問這部武俠小說的名稱是什么?
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