1 霍格沃茨的魔法學校在哪里?
(Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is located on this island)
2 我要進學校!
(I want to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)
3 我是哈利波特!
(I am Harry Potter)
4 我需要一個魔杖!
(I need a wand)
5 我們有一個黑巫師!
(We have a Dark巫師)
6 哈利波特你在哪里?
(Harry Potter where are you?)
7 我有一個朋友叫伏地魔!
(I have a friend named Voldemort)
8 我朋友是個食死徒!
(My friend is a Death Eater)
9 哈利波特你是我的朋友!
(Harry Potter I am your friend)
10 我們需要一個校長!
(We need a teacher)
11 魔法石在哪里?
(The Stone is where it is)
12 我可以摸它!
(I can touch it)
13 哈利波特你相信嗎?
(Harry Potter do you believe?)
14 我有魔法棒!
(I have a wand)
15 我會贏得比賽!
(I will win the competition)
16 我們必須去霍格沃茨!
(We must go to Hogwarts)
17 我有魂器!
(I have soul weapons)
18 我朋友是個巫師!
(My friend is a wizard)
19 我會找到它!
(I will find it)
20 這是一個巨大的機會!
(This is a great opportunity)