- 青春小說 (qīng xiāng guā jiē): a novel written for young adults
- 雨季花 (syù huā huā): a novel set in the雨季 of a young girl's life
- 戀愛小行星 (tíng yào zhǔn shān): a novel about a young boy and a girl on a小行星
- 青春無悔 (qīng xiāng wú yì): a novel about a young person who is無悔ful for their youth
- 偵探小說 (qí jiā guā jiē): a novel about a detective
- 福爾摩斯探案集 (Fú Yǔ Mó Shé Cǎo): a collection of adventures of Sherlock Holmes
- 神秘博士 (mǎn xī zhù): a doctor who adventures
- 柯南道爾系列 (cǎo hóng dào lěi): a series of detective novels by Conan Doyle
- 紀實文學 (shí jiǔ guā xué): a literary form that captures real-life events and people
- 幸存者 (shí zhǔn jiàn): a novel about a group of people who survive a disaster
- 一個人的戰爭 (yī rén qì jìn): a novel about a single person's struggle in a war
- 戰爭與和平 (jiàn shì hé běi 和平): a novel about the end of the Cold War
- 古典小說 (guǎn guā jiē): a novel set in ancient times
- 紅樓夢 (lěi bù huān): a novel set in the Chinese Tang Dynasty
- 西游記 (xiè xiǎo huá): a novel set in the Chinese Tang Dynasty
- 水滸傳 (shū yuán huá): a novel set in the Chinese Song Dynasty
- 偵查小說 (qí jiā guā jiē): a novel about detective work
- 偵探福爾摩斯 (qí jiā fú yǔ): a novel about Sherlock Holmes as a detective
- 犯罪心理學 (fàn yáng zhī 心理學): a study of犯罪 and its prevention
- 犯罪現場調查 (fàn yáng qù jiàn 現場調查): a study of the scene of the crime